Monday, November 6, 2017

MPDC League: Silverblack Tribal Rules

This week the MPDC League switches to the Silverblack Tribal format! Once upon a time, Tribal was actually an official format on Magic Online, existing in both a Standard and Classic variants. This format is all about creature combat, emphasizing a particular sub-type of creature to create what is essentially a theme deck of that particular sub-type. Traditionally, the rules for the Tribal format were as follows:
  1. One third of the total cards in your deck must share a single creature type. Technically this does include non-creature permanents that have a creature type (although no such cards are currently in Standard). Also, "Artifact Creature" is NOT a creature type, as Artifact is a card type, not a creature type.
  2. No Sideboard is allowed.
 For the MPDC League, both of rules will be in effect. Two additional rules exist:
  1. All cards must be either Commons or Uncommons that are currently in the Standard set.
  2. Your chosen creature type cannot be "Human" (although you can include Humans that share a different creature type instead).
And just as before, there are currently no cards banned for the MPDC League.

If you have any questions, feel free to shoot me an email at gwyned at gmail dot com. Good luck and have fun!


  1. What does rule number 3 mean? "Card selection is limited either to Standard or Classic" And how does that effect us? Also, what in the world is classic?

    1. Sorry that was kind of unclear. I removed the third rule.

      Back on MTGO, before Legacy was implemented, the format was called Classic, since it was missing many of the Legacy cards.

  2. oh, ok. Thanks for the info... oh, and why is there a restriction on a SB?
