Thursday, July 6, 2017

It's Hard to Write About Writing When You're Not Writing

When I decided to resume blogging, I wanted to use my midweek post each week to talk about what I was writing. But unfortunately, since I made that decision, I have done shockingly little writing. My friend and I haven't been meeting for our weekly writing exercises, I haven't been working much on my ongoing D&D campaign since we've taken a break for the summer, and my crazy schedule meant that I didn't even blog much over the past month.

It's hard to write about writing when you're not writing.

It's hard for me to believe now there was a time when I was writing every day. When I could come home from a long day at work and get 1,000 words or more on the page. When writing my weekly blog posts was easy, was fun, and was a great way to share some of my hobbies and interests.

But now I'm hardly doing any of that. So it's hard to write about writing when you're not writing.

So. I guess the solution is just to start writing. To force myself to get out three blog posts a week, even when I don't really feel like I have much to say. To call my friend up and get us back on track as far as our weekly writing. To start work this weekend on my Hour of Devastation review for Standard Pauper and finish it for my Sunday night deadline.

So that when I am writing I will be able to write about my writing.

1 comment:

  1. Good luck re-establishing your writing habit and working towards your goals. A little bit every day goes a long way. Looking forward to reading the updates!
